Sunday, 8 November 2015


                        E-CONTENT DEVELOPMENT
The e-content development and the associated web based learning  do not seek
to replace traditional teaching and learning, but are expected to supplement them.
The inclusion of e-Content in learning is now inevitable, and the UGC initiative is
designed to meet the new challenges, and to help India take the lead in this newly
emerging field.  Educational systems around the world are under increasing pressure to use the new information and communication technologies (ICTs) to teach students the knowledge and skills, they need in the 21st century. To develop a knowledge society, integrating ICT at all levels of education is essential. However, even today one of the greatest challenges of integrating ICT in education is lack of quality e-Content. So it is the need of the hour, to encourage e-Content production at various levels of education. For the upcoming generation i.e. Digital Natives (Prensky Marc, 2001), we need to create a digital learning culture and environment. e-Learning serves this purpose in its various forms such as web-based learning, computer-based learning, mobile-based learning, virtual classrooms, and digital collaboration. The ultimate aim of e-Content development is to create an information rich society where everyone, irrespective of caste, religion, race, region, gender etc., are empowered to create, receive, share and utilize information and knowledge for their economic, social, cultural and political upliftment and development. In the process of e-learning, structured and validated e-content can serve as an effective virtual teacher

The objectives of the scheme are to
(a) Promote generation of e-Content in all subjects;
(b) Develop teachers’ and experts’ resources in e-Content creation;
(c) Make available the e-Content to teachers and students through various
delivery modes for formal and non-formal education, for supplementing
and complementing the process of teaching and learning in higher
(d) Develop partnerships between educational institutions and the IT
industry for the continuous development of new content and
methodology taking into account contemporary technology
In the process of developing a techno-pedagogy for the „new learner in the „new environment, learning „new things using „new technologies, the first issue to be addressed is the development of content. The ultimate aim of e-Content development is to create an information rich society where everyone, irrespective of caste, religion, race, region, gender etc., are empowered to create, receive, share and utilize information and knowledge for their economic, social, cultural and political upliftment and development. In the process of e-learning, structured and validated e-content can serve as an effective virtual teacher.
Normally in the growth of technology applications in education, we are moving towards a Virtual Reality where the distance between the teacher and the taught is nil. The possibility of such virtual reality can be made by generating good e-Contents and accessible by all. E-contents are basically a package that satisfies the conditions like i.e. minimization of the distance, cost effectiveness, user-friendliness and adaptability to local conditions
E-content is digital information delivered over network-based electronic devices, i.e., symbols that can be utilized and interpreted by human actors during communication processes, which allow them to share visions and influence each others knowledge, attitudes or behavior. Towards a broader definition “the design (pedagogical and learning principles used to create the digital intervention) of the subject matter (E.g. Math, Science etc.) in question and the digital delivery mode (Computer, Video etc.) used(NUEPA, 2007).
It may also be defined as “digital text and images designed for display on web pages.                  E-content means content in the electronic form. It is a combination of text, audio, video, images, animation with visual effects. Any digitized content that can facilitate the learning process and/or learning outcome can be termed as e-content. e-Content (defined as learning material with relation to new media) the acquisition of these contents takes place via four different channels: purchase of materials, use of freely available content on the Internet, self production of material, exchange of existing material in a network with other institutions of Higher Education (universities, universities of applied sciences etc.; AG eLearning, 2005).
E-Contents should essentially be didactic in nature. The term "didactic" refers to contents such as self-instructional material, audio and video that convey some moral, fact or learning. In virtual education, the self-instructional materials are essentially didactic in nature. The philosophy behind this is that self-instructional materials try to bridge the gap between the teacher and the taught. The philosophy stands good for the e-content generation too. According to Selinger (2004), “e-content should be seen as a tool to improve the understanding, engagement and motivation of learners; to provide a safe environment for them to experiment and explore their conjectures; and to test their understanding using novel assessment methodologies based on trial and improvement; simulations and manipulation of models”. The didactic nature of e-contents seems to fulfill this condition as the leaner while reading the didactic content builds an understanding and then assess that understanding using quiz/buzzles. e-Content can also be utilized as reusable learning objects. Wiley gave a working definition of learning object as “any digital resource that can be reused to support learning.”
Unfortunately, existing materials and documents cannot be automatically transformed into e-content materials by just making them available from a Web site. A systematic and scientific approach is needed to develop quality content. Instructional Design is the teaching device that makes instruction as well as instructional material more engaging, effective and efficient. It is the branch of knowledge concerned with research and theory about instructional strategies and the process for developing and implementing those strategies. Instructional Design is the process of systematic development of instructional specifications using learning and instructional theory to ensure the quality of instruction. There are three learning theories (Cognitism, Constructivism and Behaviourism) support the Instructional Design as backbone. Cognitism envisages the organization of the content, storing and retrieving of the content. Constructivism supports the learner centered holistic approach in e-learning. Behaviorism stresses the reinforcement, retention and transfer of knowledge in the e-Content development.
There are several approaches to explain the design and development processes of content development. Association for Educational and Communication Technology [AECT] which is a professional organization in the educational technology field in the United States, has proclaimed the five stages of instructional design that can be used to develop any learning situations and learning content, that is the ADDIE model to include Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation . The ADDIE model is a basic model for designing and developing learning courses as well as educational content
    Generally e-Content development classified as follows: i) Assembled e-Content ii) Short Courseware/Unit/Module iii) Full Courseware iv) Short learning Objects. Those can be represented in the form of e-Learning modules and Short learning objects. e-Learning Module is a comprehensive package containing a lesson. According to the guidelines of University Grants Commission(UGC- India, 2007), the academic content for each of the module should comprises of a) Home b) Objectives c) Subject Mapping d) Summary e) Text, Case studies, FAQs f) Video and audio g) Assignments/Quiz/Tutorial h) References/Glossary/Links i) Download j) Blog k) Contact. Short Learning Object is a new way of thinking about learning content. They are much smaller units of learning, typically ranging from two to three minutes. It may be a description about an item, a concept, equipment, a property, characteristic feature, process, form, definition, activity, reaction, plan, cause and effect relations, causative factors of events, results of events, applications of phenomena or processes, explanation of components in a subject of learning etc

One of the most innovative and promising outcomes of distance learning and telecommunication relationship is e-learning. It is a process whereby teachers and students are linked up in an electronic media/computer network (Majumdar, S. and Park, M. 2002). E-learning facilitates the learner in terms of any time learning, anywhere learning, asynchronous interaction and group collaboration. E-learning provides the possibility of teaching based on learning objects (Wiley, 2001). Learning objects are the smallest independent educational components which can be reused in e-content of different subjects and authors; thus it is more economical and time-saving in e-content development. The teaching method in e-learning has changed from being teacher-based to being student-based. Virtual environment can create pervasive and dynamic interaction through virtual simulation which will upgrade learning accompanied by hearing and seeing to practical learning and experiencing.

Proposals for (i) Content development and/ or (ii) Programme development of e-
Content can be submitted to CEC by any of the following:
(a) Teachers, including retired teachers linked with colleges and
universities, with experience in undergraduate or post-graduate
(b) College or university departments
(c) A college or a university
(d) A consortium of universities
(e) Commercial establishments or production houses having related
experience in production of e-Content, LoR’s and Video.
Consortium for Educational Communication, an Inter University Center of the
UGC, ( shall be the implementing and monitoring agency of the
UGC e-Content scheme. The CEC shall also provide technical specifications,
production format, template and other guidance for e-Content development.
Content duration has been estimated on the basis of the number of hours that are
required to transact the content in the classroom. For example, a course in the
classroom requires one credit and a credit is equivalent to 15 hours. The content
of a course will be taken as 15 hours classroom teaching. On an average, UG
students have to take 6 to 8 papers in an academic year. Therefore, during the
study period of 3 years a student may take 18 - 24 papers.
Each paper requires 20 - 25 lessons. Presuming that a lesson will take three
hours of teaching, 60 to 75 hours will be required to complete one paper. Two and
a half hours of classroom lecture is normally covered by an e-content Module of 30
minutes duration. So, on an average, 300 Modules are required for completion of
the full course.
Similarly, duration of Video programmes produced by the Programme Developer
concerning each module shall be about 30 minutes.
Production of ‘Learning object Repository’ (LoR) related to the modules also
produced by the Programme Developer and for use in PC and internet shall be of
1-2 minutes of duration.
The entire process of e-Content development requires support of academicians,
technologists and Media Managers. The EMMRC’s (which are already engaged in
the production of e-Content) and any other production agencies having similar
experience shall be engaged in production of e-content.
The Director, CEC shall constitute an Academic Standing Committee, members of
which, besides officers from CEC, shall also include Technical and Production
Experts. The committee shall be responsible for selecting and engaging a Course
Coordinator for each of the e-Course launched by the CEC. The Academic
Standing Committee shall meet once in three months, or more often if needed, to
screen the proposals received, engage Production Agency/Agencies for
development of each e-Content course and recommend the number of modules to
be assigned, financial package offered to Content and Programme development
personals/agencies, whether the work assigned is for Content development or
Programme development, etc. The committee shall be an apex body responsible
for taking decisions concerning issues regarding e-Content development.
Academic Standing Committee shall engage a Course Coordinator for each of the
e-Course, launched by the CEC. The responsibility of the Course Coordinator shall
a) Frame a syllabus and introduce improvements in the syllabus on the
subject assigned. b) Choose a number of subject expert(s) and assign them Modules for
Content Development job on the subject assigned to him/her.
c) Ensure Text, Lecture and complete course material is available as per CEC
e-Content Template.
d) Ensure all e-Content Modules of the whole course are produced in
association with the Production Agency / Agencies that are assigned to do
the work.
e) Preview the programmes produced and certify its correctness
f) Coordinate with Programme developer and CEC, for proper e-Content
g) Ensure corrections suggested by the CEC are incorporated.
The Course Coordinator, shall be paid an honorarium of Rs. 3,00,000/- per subject
for a three-year UG Course. However, if the subject Expert has not completed the
work for the complete Course assigned, another Course Coordinator shall be
engaged for the remaining work and both Course Coordinators shall be paid
proportionate amount based upon the work allotted and the work completed by
There shall be two components of e-Content, (a) Content development and (b)
Programme development. In case the selected person/agency intends to do a
particular component, then the following procedure shall be followed:
The syllabus proposed for creation of e-Content shall be as per UGC Model
Curricula for Undergraduate level courses. However, the Course Coordinator in
consultation with the Subject Experts is expected to incorporate the latest
developments that have taken place in that particular subject. The intention here
is to provide scope for value added information on the subject.
The subject expert(s) shall produce full text of the academic content for each of
the module comprising the following aspects and shall submit text to the Course
Coordinator or the Production Agency on print form and on DVD as soft copy:
b) Objectives
c) Subject Mapping
d) Summary
e) Text
Case studies
f) Video and audio
g) Assignments
h) References
i) Download
j) Blog
k) Contact
The subject expert(s) shall also identify points and the Graphics, Animations &
other information that are required to be included in the module. He/she/they will
continue to provide academic support till the module(s) is/ are produced and
The subject expert(s) may be offered to produce academic content of a number of
modules of e-Content Development and for each module he/she/they shall be
paid, as a package, an honorarium of Rs.12,000/- per Module for providing only
academic content, or Rs.15,000/- per Module for providing academic content as
well as appearing as presenter on camera.
However, if the subject expert is not acting as the presenter, the services of a
presenter(s) may be availed of with a payment of Rs.3000/- per module. Payments
on this shall be made by the CEC after successful completion of each module.
Besides this the Subject Expert shall have to create a bank of Questions and write
its Answers in the form of LoR’s. For this he/she shall be paid Rs.100/- for writing
each question answer for a number of LoR’s, number about ten in each of the module.
It has to be ensured that the following products shall be delivered as per technical
specifications and production format specified by the CEC:
1. Production of e-Content Modules suitable for use in PC and internet.
2. Production of Video Programme suitable for use in TV broadcast.
3. Production of Learning object Repository (LoR) related to the module
produced and for use in PC and internet. LoR’s are short answer (1-2
minutes) on video, graphics, animations and text to a number of
questions arising in a module.
EMMRC will be responsible for (I) subject specific academic content development
and (II) Programme development of e-Content, Video based productions and
production of LoR’s in 17 subjects in Phase-I (see diagram at Annexure IV).
Further, the EMMRC’s under Phase II shall supervise production of content
specific to other 50 subjects with the help of academicians and production
agencies other than the Media Centre itself (see diagram at Annexure V).
The Programme Developer, selected by CEC, may be assigned to produce one or
more Modules, for one or more subject(s), and paid Rs.15,000/- per Module, for
providing its technical infrastructure, provided the work completed by him/her is
approved by the CEC. The Programme Developer, shall take the Academic
content from the Subject Coordinator/ Subject Expert, engaged by the CEC and
shall produce e-Content Module as per CEC Academic and Technical criteria and
providing Graphics, Animation and Multimedia inputs, wherever needed. He/She
shall also incorporate necessary modifications as communicated by the Subject
Coordinator or the CEC. The Programme Developer, shall submit the integrated e-
Content developed (as per Para 8 above) and other products as pet CEC technical
criteria on a Portable Hard Disk to CEC (Hard Disk returnable to the agency).
Payments for production of e-Content shall be made by the CEC after successful
completion of each module. Looking into the vastness of the project and timeschedule, an agency proposing to produce more than ten modules will be given
However, for production of Video Programmes and LoR (other than the e-Content
production), the Programme Developer shall be paid Rs,10,000/- and Rs.200/- for
each Video Programme and LoR produced, respectively, provided it is produced
as per technical specifications and production format specified by the CEC.
In first phase it is proposed that CEC shall coordinate with the 17 EMMRC for
development of one under graduate (UG) subject each and produce e-Content,
Video based programmes and Learning object Repository (LoR) during the next 1
½ to 2 years as per Annexure III. Since, the Media Centres are fully supported by
the UGC by providing their establishment and development grants, the additional
grant for purchase of equipments, software, engagement of manpower on contract
and consumables and materials required for making e-Content would be made
available to the Centres by the CEC for the items not available with the Centres.
Similarly CEC in second phase intends to produce e-Content, Video based
programmes and learning object Repository for additional fifty subjects, using the
services of academicians and production houses thought the country. The PhaseII production may start concurrently with Phase I or six months after the start of
phase 1.

Content is the heart of learning and medium acts as nerves in that. Although content development plays a key role in e-learning, it is undoubtedly not an easy process (Jegan,2004). It requires expert knowledge in the subject area, patience in creating the necessary objects that make up quality, interactive courseware, and a high sense of creativity in structuring and sequencing the topics to make a complete whole (Omwengaet al, 2004).From this we can predict that e-Content production enrich the e-learning in a dynamic way. It is said that people are visual minded. They retain 20% of what they hear. 50% of what they hear and see. And probably, 100% of what they hear and see and do. This is what e-contents are poised to do and what e-contents are intended for.
Alessi, S. M., &Trollip, S. R. (2001).Multimedia for learning: methods and development (3rd ed.). Needham Heights, MS: Allyn& Bacon.
AeLeContent, SIVECO Romania, Bucharest, Romania, site accessed on 29/02/08

Buchholz Andrea &ZerfassAnsgar. 2005. E- Content in Europe: Dimensions of an Emerging Field. MFG Baden-Wiirttemberg, Germany.

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